So, how are we all getting on with our practice? To bring us up to date, I was telling you about the Lung and Large intestine meridians which are associated with the season of Autumn and the function of exchanging with the external environment and creating a strong boundary between the inner and outer. Protection of ourselves is both physical and mental and this boundary can also act as a defensive barrier, it may become like a prison cell for some of us. Our breathing can reflect how we are mentally and emotionally and the function of the lungs is to manage taking in and letting go, mentally, emotionally and physically in a balanced manner so we can interact with the world around us. When life throws a ‘blow’ at us we learn how to hold ourselves together. This is what we are doing with our breathing practices. Depression and grief have a negative impact on the lungs and large intestine. Positive aspects – openness, emotional stability, enthusiasm and sociable.
As we move forward we will reflect on all the systems in the body as no system works independently. I also told you about the Stomach and Spleen which is associated with the end of each season and the function of taking in nourishment and storing it for future use and our ‘appetite’ for life – having our needs met. The stomach is very much associated with our intellect. Worry, overthinking and not enough exercise can cause an imbalance. Positive aspects – openness, emotional stability, enthusiasm and sociable.
Now we will move into looking at the Bladder and Kidney energy system. This system is associated with the Winter season and regulating all the body fluids, ridding the body of impurities physically, mentally and emotionally. This system includes the function of the adrenals, the autonomic nervous system, control of the whole of the hormonal regulation and reproductive organs. The kidneys are thought of as our most vital organs. Psychologically it asks the question ‘Where do I go with Life?’ ‘What is my dream or vision for the future?’ What we want to achieve, our clarity or insight into our own destiny, is determined by our kidney energy. The kidney meridian is associated with our stress response. It is also associated with our bones, teeth, reproductive organs, function of the ears and our hair. Physical conditions when there is an imbalance in the kidney energy include, cold hands and feet, swelling in lower body parts, lower back and abdomen cold, cramps in the legs, osteoporosis….. Hands may be sweaty and cold, restless and erratic sleep, menstrual problems, fertility issues…….
Psychological symptoms - being phobic, fearful, anxiety, panic attacks, work excessively, overdoing things, general instability. Fear is the most dominant negative emotion related to the kidneys. For the winter as we move toward the Winter Solstice through the darkest days of the year we will focus our practice on ways to support the kidneys and bladder, reduce our stress level, grounding ourselves, focusing our thoughts and finding the courage to keep moving forward with grace and dignity.
‘’We cannot escape fear. We can only transform it into a companion that accompanies us on all our exciting adventures. Take a risk a day….one small or bold stroke that will make you feel great once you have done it’’…Susan Jeffers – Feel The Fear and Do it Anyhow.