This week I want to have a little look at what this time of year is all about. The Winter Solstice is celebrated on 21st December which is the longest night and the shortest day of the year. The Irish word for ‘Solstice’ is ‘ grianstad’, meaning ‘sunstop’. The sun does seem to stop for approximately three days and start to rise again on 25th December, daily, little by little bringing the light back and making its way toward the summer. Can you imagine how our ancient ancestors must have seen this as a miraculous event and a great cause for celebration? In our Christian tradition we celebrate the return of ‘The Son’, Baby Jesus, on 25th December! At this time of the year there is an invitation to slow our lives down, stop and turn our focus within in preparation for the coming new year.
In TCM, the season of winter is related to the water element which is associated with the Kidneys and bladder which I discussed in my last blog. The Water element is all about the Source of life, depth, flow, power and purification. When the water element is in balance we are active yet calm, courageous but gentle, we accomplish without undue stress and balance assertive action with nurturing ourselves, following the natural flow of life.
The kidneys store our ancestral energy and link us to our relations. We only have a certain amount of this energy/essence to last a lifetime, it cannot be replenished. This is the essence which gives us the impetus to move forward in life. The negative emotion that inhibits the kidney energy is fear.
With the year that has passed, many of us have been put into the grips of fear. We may be afraid for our health, fear of loss of loved ones, fear of loosing our job, fear of what others may think of us, fear of not having enough money, fear of change….whatever the source of our fear, it has the same impact on our physical, mental and emotional health. We may ask the question, ‘Where do I go with my life?’ ‘What is the vision for my future?’ The winter season is intended to be a time to rest and recuperate, this is the first step in becoming the ‘master’ of our fear. We need to slow down, go within, nurture ourselves, replenish our energy and rest in preparation for Spring which calls for action and new growth.
This is the season of giving. How can we give what we do not have? What is the source we draw on to be able to give? In our daily practice we have been using our breathing exercises and simple meditations to connect to this ‘Source’ energy and learn how to manage our stress response, staying in the present moment. If we are not in the present moment, we are living in a state of fear. If we want to make changes in our lives, either personally or for our community, we need to start in the present moment, with gratitude for what we have in the here and now. Most of us react to life by worrying about the future or grieving over the past. We cannot solve a problem with the same thinking pattern as caused the problem. We learn to still our mind and reflect honestly as to what it is we need to change, in order to find the courage within to move forward with hope, grace and dignity to a brighter future.
‘’The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong’’ …Mahatma Gandhi
Over the two and a half decades that I have been practising as a Holistic Therapist, the most common ailment I have come across is the inability to forgive and let go. This also reflected sincerely in my own life. If I could give one gift this season, it would be the gift of forgiveness. It is said that ‘there is no love without forgiveness and there and there is no forgiveness without love’. If we choose not to forgive others or situations or ourselves, we are making a conscious choice to stay ‘stuck in the mud’ of our past. We literally put up a block to the flow of this ‘Source’ energy, which causes our own suffering and ill-health. It takes courage to forgive and it takes courage to change, it is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Some would say that love is the greatest power we have, I think the power of forgiveness comes first, only then can we truly know love. This season is about giving – give yourself a break, a new lease of life;
‘’The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering, is to forgive’’….John Green
When you look back over the year, what do you see? Do you see the suffering, the loss, regrets? Look at the changes we have come through and how well we have managed. Do you see all those brave souls who put their lives at risk every day to help others, that takes courage!! Let’s send them a blessing of gratitude for their brave work this Christmas.
‘Forgive, forgive, forgive – adapt an attitude of gratitude’……Caroline Myss
This season is not necessarily pleasant for everyone. Our thoughts have huge power. This Christmas, give a thought from your heart for all those who are suffering, mentally, emotionally or physically at this time.
The Eternal Law of Life –‘’ What you think and feel, you bring into form. Where your thought is, there you are, for you are your consciousness’’.
May we choose wisely how we celebrate this festive season. Get plenty of rest and sleep with cosy evenings by the fire. I want to wish you all a very healthy, happy peaceful Christmas. May we all find the courage within to rise up out of the darkness this winter and draw in the light which is the very ‘Source of our Being’, in hope for a better future for the generations to come.
May you be protected and safe
May you be healthy and well in body and mind
May you be free from all suffering
May you be filled with loving kindness….
I will be continuing with online classes in January 2021 and look forward to seeing you then.