I will lead a YOGA MALA - Sunday 20th December – 9am – in celebration of the Winter Solstice. A Yoga Mala is comprised of 108 Sun Salutations practised in 4 sets consisting of 27 Sun Salutations – 12 poses linked together with the breath. This is a strong challenge and you do need to know the Sun Salutation sequence if you are to partake. It should take approximately 1 hour 30 mins to complete. We take 15 mins at the beginning to introduce and give safety guidelines. We will finish with breathing practices. You will need your mat and a towel. Make sure to be well hydrated and have an empty stomach condition (4 hours from full meal /1.5 hours snack / beverages such as tea & coffee). You can drink warm water with a little honey beforehand.
Some benefits of practising Sun Salutations:
· Promotes healthy digestion
· Stretches and tonifies abdominal muscles
· Ventilates the lungs and oxygenates the blood
· Detoxifies, rids body of enormous quantity of carbon dioxide and other toxins
· Calms the nervous system and improves memory
· Promotes sleep and calms anxiety
· Balances the endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland
· Improves muscle flexibility
· Helps reduce fat
· Improves grace and easeful movement of the body
· Keeps spine flexible
· Strengthens the solar plexus, improves energy
We start with intention. All dedications are honoured. Here are some suggestions;
1. Dedication for personal transformation and realisation. Letting go of the past, self as focus.
2. Being present. Dedication to family and friends and precious jewels (anyone we have unresolved conflict with).
3. Dedication for our world, for what we care about in the world. Peace, global warming, children, all beings everywhere.
4. Dedication to the Source. Praise, gratitude, joy. Manifesting your intention for the furture.
Modifications for Sun Salutation:
· Bend the knees in forward bends (will be 216 forward bends)
· From Down Dog go straight into Upward Dog / Cat Pose in between
· Instead of Up Dog, do Cobra
· Bend knees in Down Dog or do child pose
The act of practising the Yoga Mala brings together;
Bhatki – Devotion
Seva – Selfless Service
Tapas – Effort, heat, discipline and zeal
For more information or to attend class to prepare please contact Anne at 086 885 6021